ProYesterday, in among some minor announcements, the Department for Transport issued its guidance to local authorities for applying for local pinchpoint funding. In a change welcome to local authorities who did not like having to prepare a full business case in record time, the fund is staged, with expressions of interest sought by 31st January 2020, with entries chosen by the Department then moving onto a second phase to prepare the business case. Did we mention there is £150m up for grabs? Even then, we know that putting together bids of this size can take a lot of effort. Modelling, scheme design, public engagement, liaising with the Department. It all takes its toll. Naturally, we want to help! We will deliver a successful Expression of Interest (EOI) for your pinch-point scheme
Throughout all of this we will collaborate closely with yourselves, sharing our learning and expertise with your team members. We highly recommend a blended project management team approach, integrating the expertise that we apply to this project with your own. We are offering to do all of this, equivalent to 100 days effort, for a flat fee of £30,000 per scheme (excluding VAT). There is no commitment to continue after the EOI stage. If this sounds interesting and you would like a chat, then email us on [email protected].
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